YouTube Channel Features Analytical Methods in the Geosciences (AMiGEO)
Check out our videos on making petrographic thin sections at this channel:
Volcano in the Valley: Student Liz McTaggart featured in a local news story
Check out student Liz McTaggart explaining the local volcanic rocks in a WHSV news segment:
Madison Scholar article on Supereruption Research
Our research was featured in a JMU Madison Scholar article, "What Made Earth Explode?":
Summer Research on Volcanic Megaeruptions
This summer, my students Liz McTaggart and Adam Nordling and I have been working on a spectacular project to try to understand how...
Long Valley Trip Blog
Blog site: JMU Students Liz McTaggart (2nd from right) and Adam Nordling (2nd from left)...
How are mega-eruptions triggered?
The goal of this project is to better understand how large explosive volcanic eruptions start and the timescales (days or weeks or more)...
Laboratory methods for all: Open source textbook modules for analytical techniques
National initiatives to increase the number of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) majors include strategies to: 1)...
Virginia’s Volcanoes: A Window into Eastern North America Mantle Processes
Few constraints currently exist on the composition and structure of the asthenosphere and lithosphere under Eastern North America Margin...
Volcanoes in Virginia!
Volcanoes in Virginia! Dr. Elizabeth Baedke Johnson - James Madison University January 24, 2012 The recent earthquake may have you...
Countertop Petrology and Geochemistry Database
Countertops website: The Department of Geology and Environmental Science at James Madison...